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FengShuiDesign Tip Book
Chinese Astrology
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Buffalo
Year of the Buffalo
The characteristics of the Cat or Rabbit
Marriage compatibility
Year of the Cat/Rabbit
Marriage compatibility
Year of the Dog
The characteristics of the Dog
The characteristics of the Dragon
Marriage compatibility
Year of the Dragon
Year of the Goat
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Goat
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Horse
Year of the Horse
Year of the Monkey
The characteristics of the Monkey
Marriage compatibility
Year of the Pig
The characteristics of the Pig
Marriage compatibility
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Rat
Year of the Rat
The characteristics of the Rooster
Marriage compatibility
Year of the Rooster
Year of the Snake
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Snake
Marriage compatibility
Year of the Tiger
The characteristics of the Tiger
Christmas card clutter
The Christmas Tree
Christmas decorations
Remove stagnant energy
Having clutter can keep you in the past
Having clutter can depress you
Things you do not use or love
De-Clutter with Feng Shui
Having clutter can cost you financially
How does clutter affect your life?
What is clutter?
Having clutter can make you tired and lethargic
Things that are untidy or disorganized
Too many things in too small a space
Anything unfinished
Compass School
Compass school
How To Fix the Fighting Doors
Front and Back door alignment
How To Fix the Fighting Doors
Long Hallways
Long Hallways
Long dark corridors or hallways
East/West System
East group Kua numbers
My personal health direction
My personal development direction
My personal prosperity direction
My personal romance direction
West group Kua numbers
Calculating your personal Kua number
Five elements
What are 5 elements
The five elements
What are 5 elements
Remedy for an Earth-Water domination
Remedy for a Metal-Wood domination
Remedy for a Water-Fire domination
Remedy for Wood-Earth domination
Remedy for a Fire-Metal domination
The enhancing or producing cycle
The weakening cycle
The controlling or destroying cycle
Form School
What is the Crimson Bird
What is the Black Giant Turtle
What is the Green Dragon
How to determine the strength of the Green Dragon
The energy of the Green Dragon
What is the White Tiger
How to determine the strength of the White Tiger
The energy of the White Tiger
How to enhance the East
How to enhance the North
How to enhance the North East
How to enhance the North West
How to enhance the South
How do I enhance the South East
How to enhance the South West
How to enhance the West
Whats your personal romance direction
Avoid water in the bedroom
How do I increase my romance luck
Symbols of Romance and Love
Decorate your bedroom for romance
What remedy can I use to attract a suitable partner for a grown up daughter
The Ba Gua
Colors suitable in the Earth palace
The direction and element of the Earth palace
The direction and element of the Fire palace
The direction and element of the Heaven palace
The direction and element of the Marsh palace
The direction and element of the Mountain palace
The direction and element of the Thunder palace
The direction and element of the Water palace
The direction and element of the Wind palace
Things to avoid
Number of Bathrooms
Bathrooms located in the main entrance
A pie shaped lot
A Triangular lot
Square lots
A Rectangular lot
Staircases and the main entrance
Staircase in the center of your home
Electrical wires overhead
Electrical Towers
Front and Back door alignment
Activating the South East for wealth
Give the gift of prosperity to your friends
The Laughing Buddha
Create a wealth bucket for prosperity
Lucky coins in your purse
Chinese lucky coins in the entrance to your home or retail store
Chinese lucky coins for business
The Three-Legged Frog
The Chinese Gods of Wealth
The power position
Activate the wealth luck of the south east with water
Chinese lucky coins for your home
Yin and Yang
The characteristics of Yin
Yang colors
Yin colors
Definition of Yin
Definition of Yang
Feng Shui Design Newsletter Archive
Year of the Pig
The characteristics of the Rat
The characteristics of the Tiger
The characteristics of the Dragon
The characteristics of the Snake
The characteristics of the Horse
The characteristics of the Goat
The characteristics of the Rooster
The characteristics of the Dog
Electrical wires overhead
Electrical Towers
What remedy can I use to attract a suitable partner for a grown up daughter
Whats your personal romance direction
How does clutter affect your life?
What is clutter?
Things you do not use or love
Things that are untidy or disorganized
Anything unfinished
Having clutter can keep you in the past
Chinese lucky coins in the entrance to your home or retail store
Chinese lucky coins for business
The Three-Legged Frog
The Chinese Gods of Wealth
The Laughing Buddha
The enhancing or producing cycle
The controlling or destroying cycle
Remedy for a Metal-Wood domination
A pie shaped lot
Front and Back door alignment
Long dark corridors or hallways
What is the Crimson Bird
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Buffalo
The characteristics of the Cat or Rabbit
The characteristics of the Monkey
The characteristics of the Pig
Having clutter can cost you financially
Remove stagnant energy
Calculating your personal Kua number
De-Clutter with Feng Shui
The Christmas Tree
Christmas decorations
Compass school
Year of the Rat
Year of the Buffalo
Year of the Tiger
Year of the Cat/Rabbit
Year of the Dragon
Year of the Snake
Year of the Horse
Year of the Goat
Year of the Monkey
Year of the Rooster
Year of the Dog
Year of the Pig
The characteristics of the Rat
The characteristics of the Tiger
The characteristics of the Dragon
The characteristics of the Snake
The characteristics of the Horse
The characteristics of the Goat
The characteristics of the Rooster
The characteristics of the Dog
Electrical wires overhead
Electrical Towers
What remedy can I use to attract a suitable partner for a grown up daughter
Whats your personal romance direction
What is clutter?
Things you do not use or love
Things that are untidy or disorganized
Anything unfinished
Having clutter can keep you in the past
Chinese lucky coins in the entrance to your home or retail store
Chinese lucky coins for business
The Three-Legged Frog
The Chinese Gods of Wealth
The Laughing Buddha
The enhancing or producing cycle
The controlling or destroying cycle
Remedy for a Metal-Wood domination
A pie shaped lot
Front and Back door alignment
Long dark corridors or hallways
What is the Crimson Bird
Marriage compatibility
The characteristics of the Buffalo
The characteristics of the Cat or Rabbit
The characteristics of the Monkey
The characteristics of the Pig
Having clutter can cost you financially
Remove stagnant energy
Calculating your personal Kua number
Christmas Tree Placement
From Rags to Riches...
9 Star Khi
Enhancing Your Career Luck.
Happiness decor for the bedroom
Chinese lucky coins for prosperity
Five elements and food
The Yin and Yang of Food
East or West group person?
How to create wealth in your life.
Who`s your astrological mate?
What is the I Ching?
What sign are you?
What to look for when buying a home
What to look for when buying a home
What to avoid when buying a home.
What to avoid when buying a home.
The money in your clutter!
The de-cluttering procedure
Are you a just in case person?
FengShuiDesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 8 : The Clutter Test
FengShuiDesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 7 : What is clutter?
FengShuiDesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 6 : Enhancing your marriage orientation
FengShuiDesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 5, Your marriage orientation
Fengshuidesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 4, Is your Romance area cluttered?
Fengshuidesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 3, How to create more romance in your life
Fengshuidesign-tips Newsletter, Issue 1, How to re-energize after the holidays
Feng Shui Design Frequently Asked Questions
How much can clutter cost you financially?
Is there such a thing as too many bathrooms?
Is it bad if my front and back doors are aligned?
What do I do if I have my front and back doors aligned?
What do I do if I have a staircase in front of my main door?
Is it bad if the staircase is directly in front of my main entrance?
Is a bathroom in front of the main entrance to your home bad?
Where can I put the Chinese coins in the entrance to my home or store?
What does anything unfinished mean?
What´s the difference between Compass school and Life Station method´s
What is the difference between Compass school and Black Hat Sect ?
Am I an East group person?
What are the five elements
Where can I put the Chinese coins for business prosperity?
Who are the Gods of Wealth and how do I place them?
Does clutter affect our lives?
Who is the Laughing Buddha?
Where do I place the Three-Legged Frog for prosperity?
What is my personal prosperity direction?
What about bathrooms?
Are spiral staircases bad?
What can I do to increase the romance in my life?
Where do I put the Christmas tree?
Is a house all right if there are electrical wires overhead?
How does clutter stop you from moving forward in life?
What do I do if my front and back doors are aligned?
What is the weakening cycle?
Is a square lot good?
Can clutter create depressive feelings?
What is my personal romance direction?
Is a rectangular lot good?
What is the enhancing or producing cycle?
Should I move near an electrical tower?
How do I calculate my Kua number?
What do I do if I live near or under electrical wires or transformers?
How does clutter affect your life?
What are the caracteristics of a Rooster?
What are the characteristics of a Rooster?
What are the characteristics of a Pig?
What does it mean if things are untidy or disorganized
What are the Chinese symbols for Love?
How do the things you do not use or love affect you?
How does clutter cause tiredness and lethargy?
Am I a Goat?
What can I do about a dark hallway or corridor?
What colors are suitable in the Earth palace?
How do too many things in too small a space affect us?
What are the characteristics of a Dragon?
What are the caracteristics of a Dragon?
What are the caracteristics of a Snake?
What are the characteristics of a Snake?
How do I attract a suitable mate for my adult daughter?
What is Yang?
Is a triangular lot good?
What is my personal health direction?
What are the characteristics of the Buffalo?
What is my personal romance direction?
What are the four categories of clutter?
Is a pie shaped lot good?
What is the remedy for a metal-wood domination?
What are the characteristics of a Rabbit/Cat?
How many decorations should I put up?
What animal sign am I born under?
What animal sign am I born under?
Am I a Tiger?
Am I a Dog?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Am I a Dragon?
Am I a Buffalo?
What is my personal development direction?
What colors are considered Yang?
Am I a West group person?
What animal sign am I born under?
What animal sign am I born under?
What are the characteristics of a Dog?
What are the caracteristics of a Dog?
What is the controlling or destroying cycle?
What remedies a fire-metal domination?
What is the remedy for a water-fire domination?
What are the caracteristics of a Horse?
What are the characteristics of a Horse?
What are the characteristics of a Monkey?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Is an aquarium beneficial in the South East?
What animal sign am I born under?
What animal sign am I born under?
What animal sign am I born under?
Who is my best astrological mate?
What is the Crimson Bird?
Am I a Cat?
Am I a Horse?
Am I a Sheep?
Am I a Monkey?
Am I a Snake?
What is Yin?
What do I do if my personal romance area is in the East?
What colors are considered Yin?
What animal sign am I born under?
What animal sign am I born under?
What animal sign am I born under?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Who is my best astrological mate?
How do I create a wealth bucket?
What animal sign am I born under?
Where can I put all of the Christmas cards I´ve received
What is the remedy for a wood-earth domination?
What do I do if I have a tree blocking my front door?
What are the characteristics of Yin?
What is the Green Dragon?
Am I a Pig?
Am I a Rooster?
Who is the Green Dragon fortunate for?
What is the White Tiger?
What is the Black Giant Turtle
What is the remedy for an earth-water domination?
What animal sign am I born under?
What are the caracteristics of a Rat?
What are the characteristics of a Rat?
Is an aquarium bad in the bedroom?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Who is my best astrological mate?
What are the characteristics of a Tiger?
What are the caracteristics of a Tiger?
What animal sign am I born under?
How do I know how strong the White Tiger is?
What element corresponds to the Wind palace?
Am I a Rat?
Where is the Wind palace located on the Ba Gua?
What element corresponds to the Heaven palace?
What element corresponds to the Earth palace?
Where is the Earth palace located on the Ba Gua?
What element corresponds to the Water palace?
Where is the Water palace located on the Ba Gua?
Where is the Heaven palace located on the Ba Gua?
What do I do if my personal romance area is in the North?
What do I do if my personal romance area is the South?
Who is the White Tiger fortunate for?
How do I know how strong the Green Dragon is?
What do I do if my personal romance area is the South East?
What do I do if my personal romance area is the South West?
What do I do if my personal romance area is in the North East?
What do I do if my personal romance area is in the West?
Who is my best astrological mate?
Who is my best astrological mate?
What activates the South East?
What can I do to increase the passion in my relationship?
Where is the Marsh palace located on the Ba Gua?
Where is the Thunder palace located on the Ba Gua?
What element corresponds to the Thunder palace?
Where is the Fire palace located on the Ba Gua?
What element corresponds to the Fire palace?
What element corresponds to the Marsh palace?
What element corresponds to the Moutain palace?
Where is the Moutain palace located on the Ba Gua?
What do I do if my personal romance area is the North West?
How can I give prosperity to my friends?
How do I attract wealth luck into my home?
How can I use the Chinese coins to attract wealth?
Where do I sit when I am conducting business?
How can I work on letting things go?
What are Feng Shui cures for doors
How can we cure long corrridors with many doors
What are 5 elements in Feng Shui

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Sheri Ann Richerson