When it comes to Feng Shui Design, we've been there, done that, now serving 137 tips in 12 categories ranging from Chinese Astrology to Yin and Yang.
Five Feng Shui elements are Fire- Earth-Metal-Water-Wood. The order they are written also shows the Creative Cycle of the elements. Fire creates Earth- ash-, Earth creates Metal, Metal creates and holds Water, Water feeds Wood, and Wood makes Fire.
If there is a long corridor place a multifaceted crsytal from the ceiling. This crystal should be hanging from a 9 inch- or increments- red ribbon.
"Fighting Doors" are two doors hitting each other when opened. To cure this problem, you could tie a red ribbon to each handle and cut the ribbon in the middle. If the cure should not be seen for a reason,make a small red dot on each door where they hit each other.
Five Feng Shui elements are Fire- Earth-Metal-Water-Wood. The order they are written also shows the Creative Cycle of the elements. Fire creates Earth- ash-, Earth creates Metal, Metal creates and holds Water, Water feeds Wood, and Wood makes Fire.
If there is a long corridor place a multifaceted crsytal from the ceiling. This crystal should be hanging from a 9 inch- or increments- red ribbon.
"Fighting Doors" are two doors hitting each other when opened. To cure this problem, you could tie a red ribbon to each handle and cut the ribbon in the middle. If the cure should not be seen for a reason,make a small red dot on each door where they hit each other.
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