Cures Tips

Read these 6 Cures Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Feng Shui Design tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can we cure long corrridors with many doors

Long Hallways

If there is a long corridor place a multifaceted crsytal from the ceiling. This crystal should be hanging from a 9 inch- or increments- red ribbon.

What do I do if my front and back doors are aligned?

Front and Back door alignment

If your front and back doors are aligned, you should hang a wind chime from the ceiling at about the half way point. This way the energy will be slowed down and dispersed into the home. If you have a hallway somewhere in between the front and back doors, you can hang the wind chime at that junction.

What are Feng Shui cures for doors

How To Fix the Fighting Doors

"Fighting Doors" are two doors hitting each other when opened. To cure this problem, you could tie a red ribbon to each handle and cut the ribbon in the middle. If the cure should not be seen for a reason,make a small red dot on each door where they hit each other.

What are Feng Shui cures for doors

How To Fix the Fighting Doors

"Fighting Doors" are two doors hitting each other when opened. To cure this problem, you could tie a red ribbon to each handle and cut the ribbon in the middle. If the cure should not be seen for a reason,make a small red dot on each door where they hit each other.

What can I do about a dark hallway or corridor?

Long dark corridors or hallways

If you have a long dark corridor in your home you should add some lights. Halogen pot lights add a wonderfully warm glow and will make the energy travel all the way down the hallway or corridor if they are spaced at intervals. You can also add a painting or a mirror at the end of the hallway to further enhance the area.

How can we cure long corrridors with many doors

Long Hallways

If there is a long corridor place a multifaceted crsytal from the ceiling. This crystal should be hanging from a 9 inch- or increments- red ribbon.

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Guru Spotlight
Sheri Ann Richerson